Hall’s DIY: Fixing cracked ceramics

Cracked one of your favourite ceramics? Fortunately, with modern adhesives, fillers and paints and a bit of know-how, it is possible to perform faultless repairs.

Here’s advice on how you can restore ceramics by a renowned potter.


What you will need:

  1. Hall’s Maxxbond GP Clear Epoxy
  2. A container large enough to place your broken ceramic piece in
  3. Rice /sand (to fill container and hold pieces in place)
  4. Wooden stick / pin tool to apply adhesive
  5. Paper pad to put epoxy on
  6. Hall’s Ethanol
    7. Clay
  7. Razor blade





Step 1

Fill the container with rice or sand – this is to help hold the broken pieces together, allowing gravity to “keep them” together.


Step 2

Clean the broken pieces with Hall’s Ethanol, then “re-join” the pieces together to test alignment and make sure they match, laying them in the sand – which functions to hold the pieces in place.


Step 3

Place a button-sized drop of Hall’s Maxxbond GP Clear Epoxy on the paper pad and mix together using the wooden stick or pin tool. Then evenly apply the mixture to the edge of the biggest pieces.


Step 4

Align the pieces and squeeze together. Do not rub off the adhesive that oozes out – this will be done in a later step (see below). Wait at least 20 minutes before proceeding to stick the next piece.


Step 5

Once completed, balance your ceramic piece for 8 hours; if all the pieces are not holding well, use the clay to secure and prop up.


Step 6

Clean off the excess epoxy by gently scraping it off with the razor blade. Then clean the surfaces with ethanol.


And voila! You’ve just repaired your ceramic like a pro. You could even avoid scraping off the additional adhesive and paint along the broken lines in gold for a “Kintsugi look.”


So, get cracking ~ no pun intended. Come visit us in store and chat to one of our knowledgeable sales team for all your DIY supplies from Hall’s Retail.


Please note: Materials used for restoration of ceramics are not food safe, and restored / repaired items must not be used for cooking or serving food.

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